Job Searching During COVID-19

Job loss has been a major outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic and financial security has caused feelings of anxiety, confusion, and worry among many people. Additionally, students and new graduates might be concerned about finding employment during these uncertain times. While many jobs and roles have suffered from the crisis, many opportunities have resulted from it.

These resources give tips on how to find a job and what you can do if there are no opportunities in your sector, and can help you find available employment opportunities.

It is normal to feel anxious and overwhelmed during this time. But when it gets worse and if you feel like you need to talk to someone, consider talking to us. We can help.

Here are some recommended resources to better take care of your mental health during COVID-19:

Overcoming Anxiety class

Living with Depression class

Journey to Self-Discovery class

Self Esteem & Assertiveness class

Men and Anger class

Women and Anger class

Blog posts on handling mental health

Blog posts on self-care

Blog posts on trauma

Blog posts on anxiety

Blog posts on depression