Services Available In-Person and Online

We’ve heard you loud and clear - it’s great to be able to choose whether you want to access our services online or in person. That’s why:


Counselling continues to be available online, in person, and over the phone. You can just drop in for a counselling session in person, or book a session for virtual or phone counselling.

Our Healthy Relationships therapy groups are meeting face-to-face. You can get started by attending a free information session.

Therapy groups for anxiety and depression continue to meet online.

Our classes for parents, couples, and self-improvement are now available face-to-face in small groups. We will also continue to offer online classes.

We will continue to connect with the families that we support face-to-face, over the phone, and virtually. You can ask your worker for more information.

You are required to wear a mask at the reception, hallways, and washrooms at our office. Masks and hand sanitizer are available. High-touch places such as therapy rooms and the reception area will continue to be cleaned between client use. We will ensure you can physically distance at our classes and counselling rooms. 

We will continue to pre-screen. Please do not come to our office or meet your worker face-to-face if you are feeling sick. A virtual session can be set up for you to replace your in-person meeting.