Safe Visitation Update

The Family Centre continues to offer counselling services, group therapy, parenting, self-improvement, anger management, workplace, and couples workshops. But we no longer offer supervised/safe visitation services. If you require this type of service, please refer to the alternatives listed below:
1. Family Connections
Family Connections is accepting new clients who need court-ordered supervised access. All visits are onsite; however, outside visits can be organized with an additional travel fee – please contact them for more information.
Address: 425, 10404 – 149 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta
Phone: 780-413-6140
2. Mariam’s Footsteps
Supervised visitation services are provided at no cost if you are referred by your Child and Family Services caseworker. If you do not have Child and Family Services involvement and are in the midst of a custody dispute, your lawyer can refer you and visitations can be set up for a fee. Supervised visits are held offsite.
Phone: 780-462-7426
3. Family Nexus
Family Nexus is a newly established company. Supervised Access services are offered in both the home and community for a fee.
Phone: 780-710.7209
Please call 211 if you need more information on safe visitation services.