Find Yourself and Discover Your Personal Values

At some point in life, you will face the philosophical question, “who am I?”

This isn’t always an easy question to answer. Most of the time, we default to the specifics: a parent, a spouse, a colleague, or a student. We tend to skip details on our personal values, interest, and beliefs. How well do you know yourself?

Sometimes it can be confusing to distinguish your beliefs and values from someone else’s. We can all be influenced by others or feel pressure from society to conform. But everyone has a different personality type, and everyone is unique. Through reflection, exploring ourselves, and looking ahead, we can determine our personal values and begin to implement them in our lives.

How do I begin personal reflection and self-discovery?

Discover more about yourself by understanding your personal values. This personal reflection example asks self-discovery questions to help you find yourself and your personal values.

To explore the full values exercise and to build your Self-Discovery Profile, join our upcoming Journey to Self-Discovery class.