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Showing posts tagged with “COVID 19”
Staycations: A Convenient Way to Beat Burnout
News Posted On Jun 01, 2021

Staycations: A Convenient Way to Beat Burnout

Burnout leads to the inability to function well at work or in your personal life. It arises when chronic workplace stress has not been successfully managed. Chances are, you’ve probably experienced some form of burnout at least once in your life. Over…

COVID-19 Emergency Financial Supports
News Posted On May 10, 2021

COVID-19 Emergency Financial Supports

We are all collectively going through an unimaginable, challenging situation and some of us have been impacted financially more than others. The resources below have been compiled from the City of Edmonton Earn*Save*Build monthly compilation of Financial…

JJ's Story
News Posted On May 01, 2021

JJ's Story

As a Success Coach, part of my role is to support students in developing healthy boundaries. This is something that JJ and I worked on extensively. When I first met JJ, they would leave class on a daily basis to seek support from me around peer relationships.…

Fun and Creative Ways to Connect Online for Family Day
News Posted On Feb 01, 2021

Fun and Creative Ways to Connect Online for Family Day

When the new year begins, we often get back into the swing of life and schedules. Family day is an important time that reminds us to relax, slow down, and spend quality time with our loved ones. Connection with our families is more important than ever…

Changes to Our Services
News Posted On Dec 01, 2020

Changes to Our Services

We are still here for you! We continue to provide support and resources for families in Edmonton as we navigate through the pandemic and its impact on our lives. You are not alone.    As of November 27, Our new therapy groups and classes for managing…

Summer Camps with Our Success Coaches
News Posted On Dec 01, 2020

Summer Camps with Our Success Coaches

COVID-19 required a shift in how success coaches practice, engage and communicate with children, youth and families. Success coaches made that shift readily and easily in order to continue providing meaningful services remotely. One example of this is…

Blue's Story
News Posted On Oct 01, 2020

Blue's Story

When Blue was in the fifth grade, she and her mother, Emily, moved to the Spruce Avenue community. It wasn’t easy for her to leave her current school as she didn’t get to see her friends as often as she had hoped. Blue recalls that time as “tough”…

Suicide Prevention Resources
News Posted On Sep 01, 2020

Suicide Prevention Resources

Everyone has off days. Days where they are sad or lack motivation, days they feel lonely, and days where they don’t want to get out of bed. Considering the stress and strain of life at the moment, these feelings are normal. For some, these feelings…

How to Deal With Grief and Loss During COVID-19 Pandemic
News Posted On Aug 01, 2020

How to Deal With Grief and Loss During COVID-19 Pandemic

Over the past several months, the global COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all in many ways. Many changes have been imposed upon us, resulting in a myriad of losses, which, when accumulated has brought about a pandemic of grief. Why are we all grieving?…

45 Activities To Do At Home During COVID-19 Restrictions
News Posted On Aug 01, 2020

45 Activities To Do At Home During COVID-19 Restrictions

Are you getting bored at home, doing the same routines over and over? New experiences can make you happier. When you try something new, you might find an activity that you genuinely enjoy.   Here are 45 ideas. Maybe you can find something to try with…

What You Should Know About Managing Your Mental Health Right Now
News Posted On Jul 01, 2020

What You Should Know About Managing Your Mental Health Right Now

COVID-19 pandemic has globally been one of the most difficult times in many of our lives. As a society, we have struggled with job loss, isolation, financial stress, fear, and anxiety. Mental health issues have risen during this time, and we all want…

Counselling Now Available Via Video and Phone
News Posted On Apr 30, 2020

Counselling Now Available Via Video and Phone

We are here to help you as you navigate through this challenging time. Counselling sessions are now available via phone or video. We have taken extra steps to ensure privacy and confidentiality. The video call platform that we use is secure and confidential.…

Our Classes Are Now Online
News Posted On Apr 30, 2020

Our Classes Are Now Online

We have moved our classes online! All of our workshops will be available via secure Google Meet video calls. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, computer, or a laptop with a camera to access the classes. You will receive the same information as in…

12 Tips For Resilience During a Pandemic
News Posted On Apr 30, 2020

12 Tips For Resilience During a Pandemic

When you are faced with tough life situations, like a health concern, grief and loss, relationship issues, and work or school problems, do you usually bounce back fairly quickly, or do you dwell on things longer than other people? That ability to bounce…

Activities To Do From Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic
News Posted On Mar 31, 2020

Activities To Do From Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Being in isolation can take a toll on our mental health. We can lose our sense of independence, connectedness, and efficiency. Maintaining these components of mental health can still happen from home. Here is a list of activities that you can do as a…

The Family Centre acknowledges that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting ground, gathering place, and traveling route for the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.

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