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Showing posts tagged with “Self Care”
Find Support in Our New Overcoming Adversity Class
News Posted On May 08, 2024

Find Support in Our New Overcoming Adversity Class

Adversity is when you experience circumstances in life that make you feel out of control. Hardships, setbacks, and unforeseen or problematic events are a natural part of life. However, no matter the challenge, you should have the ability to bounce back…

Positive Self-Talk: What it is & How to Practice it
News Posted On May 01, 2024

Positive Self-Talk: What it is & How to Practice it

As you begin this article, take a moment to pause and really think about these next questions. When you woke up, what first crossed your mind? Did you embrace the day with eagerness, or do you find yourself hesitating and perhaps feeling a bit apprehensive…

ACEs 101: How Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect You
News Posted On Mar 01, 2024

ACEs 101: How Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect You

We all go through awful and distressing situations that we have to endure. Unfortunately, when these experiences are traumatic enough, especially in early childhood, they can quite literally change the way our genes function. This makes us prone to developing…

Healthy Habits: 8 Good Habits to Have in Life
News Posted On Jan 01, 2024

Healthy Habits: 8 Good Habits to Have in Life

Good habits benefit our physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health. These are the habits that get you closer to living your best life. Good habits help you become more productive and energetic. These habits help us move forward. If you are unsure…

How to Enjoy Long Winters
News Posted On Dec 01, 2023

How to Enjoy Long Winters

Some days, spending time outdoors during winter can feel more like a challenge than an enjoyment. As the temperatures drop, it can be easy to huddle indoors, wrapped in the warmth of blankets and the glow of electronic screens.  However, spending time…

Take Care of Your Mental Health During the Holidays
News Posted On Dec 01, 2023

Take Care of Your Mental Health During the Holidays

The holiday season is not an exciting and joyful time for everyone. There are many people who experience family conflicts, grief, loneliness, feelings of isolation, or negative memories around this time of year. If this is you, know that you're not…

What is Gaslighting & Steps to Take if You’re Being Gaslighted
News Posted On Jul 01, 2023

What is Gaslighting & Steps to Take if You’re Being Gaslighted

Have you ever been in a situation where another person made you feel like your thoughts, feelings, and perspectives were invalid? They may make you wonder if you're the source of relational issues, and that you need to be more critical about how you…

10 Common Negative Thinking Patterns and 5 Steps for Change
News Posted On Jun 01, 2023

10 Common Negative Thinking Patterns and 5 Steps for Change

Are you your own worst enemy? Do you find yourself getting bogged down by negative thoughts that seem to take over your mind, no matter how optimistic your circumstances seem? Maybe you’re constantly worrying about “what-ifs” or start feeling anxious…

4 Small Steps to Feeling Better
News Posted On Feb 01, 2023

4 Small Steps to Feeling Better

The hustle and bustle of daily life can take a toll on us. Between our busy schedules, responsibilities, and relationships, sometimes we may not feel able to take care of ourselves in the way we need. When stress and anxiety build up and aren't managed,…

Self-Esteem: A Tool for Self-Progression
News Posted On Jan 01, 2023

Self-Esteem: A Tool for Self-Progression

Many people never experience high self-worth or feel high self-esteem. People with low self-esteem tend to think they have little worth and have a negative view of almost everything. Expecting the worst, they invite it and, unfortunately, they often…

Find Yourself and Discover Your Personal Values
News Posted On Oct 01, 2022

Find Yourself and Discover Your Personal Values

At some point in life, you will face the philosophical question, “who am I?” This isn’t always an easy question to answer. Most of the time, we default to the specifics: a parent, a spouse, a colleague, or a student. We tend to skip details on…

Recognizing When to Reach Out for Help for Yourself or Your Family
News Posted On Jul 01, 2022

Recognizing When to Reach Out for Help for Yourself or Your Family

The course of life is rarely smooth. Each of us will have various challenges and struggles to overcome on our journey. For many families, this is likely to include mental health difficulties.  Indeed, as 1 in 5 Canadians experience mental illness each…

Do You Know How to Manage Your Stress?
News Posted On Jun 01, 2022

Do You Know How to Manage Your Stress?

Stress is a part of our everyday life. We can experience good stress (such as getting married or beginning a new job) or bad stress, such as losing a beloved pet. Human beings are designed to respond and react to stress as a survival strategy. Our bodies…

Learning Empathy
News Posted On May 01, 2022

Learning Empathy

What is empathy? In a very simple way, empathy means feeling with, instead of feeling for. It means feeling the same emotion that another person feels instead of just feeling bad for them. You don’t need to experience the same thing as someone to have…

Affirmations: What Are They and How Do They Work?
News Posted On Feb 15, 2022

Affirmations: What Are They and How Do They Work?

Your thoughts play a big part in your overall wellness. Affirmations can be an easy way to improve your mindset. When you are feeling unwell, you might end up falling down into a negative thinking pattern and holding yourself back. Read on to see some…

3 Fun Snowy Day Projects for Children
News Posted On Feb 01, 2022

3 Fun Snowy Day Projects for Children

While children love nothing more than playing outside on a bright and sunny day, this always isn’t possible. Something like a boatload of snow or rain can ruin the plans of your children and force them to stay inside where it is warm and dry. However,…

How to Reach Your Goal One Step at a Time
News Posted On Jan 01, 2022

How to Reach Your Goal One Step at a Time

If you’re like me, you can feel overwhelmed when you set a long-term goal. It might be so far away it seems impossible to reach. Long-term goals can feel too hard to do, especially if you have tried before. It's like being stuck on one side of a huge…

4 Tips to Practicing True Self-Care
News Posted On Sep 01, 2021

4 Tips to Practicing True Self-Care

When was the last time you felt refreshed? Was it when you went for a walk? Or when you ate out with friends?  Self-care looks different for everyone, so don’t get concerned if you feel tired even after you’ve tried the tips you’ve read online.…

The Family Centre acknowledges that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting ground, gathering place, and traveling route for the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.

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