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Showing posts tagged with “Updates”
COVID-19 Emergency Financial Supports
News Posted On May 10, 2021

COVID-19 Emergency Financial Supports

We are all collectively going through an unimaginable, challenging situation and some of us have been impacted financially more than others. The resources below have been compiled from the City of Edmonton Earn*Save*Build monthly compilation of Financial…

Community Resources in West Edmonton
News Posted On May 01, 2021

Community Resources in West Edmonton

Are you looking for a simple way to find out about services and supports for children and families in West Edmonton? All you need to do is connect with Jasper Place Family Resource Centre.   As the Family Resource Network (FRN) Hub for West Edmonton,…

Community Resources to Families: Family Futures Resource Network
News Posted On Apr 01, 2021

Community Resources to Families: Family Futures Resource Network

Family Futures Resource Network is a community-based non-profit that provides information, education and support to infants, children, youth, parents, caregivers, and families. The agency provides free or low-cost programs, groups, in-home support, one-on-one…

The Family Centre Continues to be Accredited
News Posted On Apr 01, 2021

The Family Centre Continues to be Accredited

The Family Centre has achieved accreditation through the New York-based Council on Accreditation (COA). Organizations pursue accreditation to demonstrate the implementation of best practice standards in the field of human services. COA evaluated all…

Changes to Our Services
News Posted On Dec 01, 2020

Changes to Our Services

We are still here for you! We continue to provide support and resources for families in Edmonton as we navigate through the pandemic and its impact on our lives. You are not alone.    As of November 27, Our new therapy groups and classes for managing…

Summer Camps with Our Success Coaches
News Posted On Dec 01, 2020

Summer Camps with Our Success Coaches

COVID-19 required a shift in how success coaches practice, engage and communicate with children, youth and families. Success coaches made that shift readily and easily in order to continue providing meaningful services remotely. One example of this is…

The Family Centre is Certified in Trauma-Informed Care
News Posted On Dec 01, 2020

The Family Centre is Certified in Trauma-Informed Care

We’re excited to share that Community Connections has certified our agency in the Creating Cultures of Trauma-Informed Care model. Lori L. Beyer from Community Connections says, “The culture at The Family Centre exudes care, kindness and support.”…

New Supports for Managing Anxiety and Depression
News Posted On Nov 27, 2020

New Supports for Managing Anxiety and Depression

If you have anxiety or depression, you are not alone. Both are more common than you may think, but there are lots of healthy coping strategies to manage them.This fall, we’re introducing classes and therapeutic support groups for anxiety and depression.…

How All In For Youth Helps Edmonton Students
News Posted On Sep 01, 2020

How All In For Youth Helps Edmonton Students

High school graduation is a critical milestone in gaining employment. We all benefit when everyone graduates from high school. The estimated cost to Albertans with respect to health, social assistance, and criminal justice for a student who does not…

Free webinars on building healthy workplaces
News Posted On May 29, 2020

Free webinars on building healthy workplaces

Are you ready to re-open your organization? A critical element of a robust re-opening strategy is being prepared to support employees returning to the new workplace environment that awaits them. We will continue to face challenges as a result of COVID-19.…

Counselling Now Available Via Video and Phone
News Posted On Apr 30, 2020

Counselling Now Available Via Video and Phone

We are here to help you as you navigate through this challenging time. Counselling sessions are now available via phone or video. We have taken extra steps to ensure privacy and confidentiality. The video call platform that we use is secure and confidential.…

Our Classes Are Now Online
News Posted On Apr 30, 2020

Our Classes Are Now Online

We have moved our classes online! All of our workshops will be available via secure Google Meet video calls. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, computer, or a laptop with a camera to access the classes. You will receive the same information as in…

Changes to Our Services & Coping With COVID-19
News Posted On Mar 18, 2020

Changes to Our Services & Coping With COVID-19

We are adjusting the delivery of our services to ensure everyone’s health and to also provide supports to families in Edmonton during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will support the children, youth, and families that we work with over the phone or other…

COVID-19 update
News Posted On Mar 16, 2020

COVID-19 update

We have been monitoring the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic very closely. Everyone’s health is our top priority.  We continue to see clients in all our services at the moment. All clients will be asked pre-screening questions to ensure…

New Class Alert: Journey to Self-Discovery
News Posted On Mar 02, 2020

New Class Alert: Journey to Self-Discovery

We’re excited to announce our newest class, Journey to Self-Discovery. How well do you know yourself? Do you know what you want in life? Sometimes it can be confusing to distinguish your beliefs and values from someone else’s. We can all be influenced…

Ivor Dent Parent Group
News Posted On Feb 29, 2020

Ivor Dent Parent Group

Like children, parents also need support. A parent coffee group at Ivor Dent — a kindergarten to grade 9 school in East Edmonton — aims to be that parental sanctuary. Elaine Neher, a Roots and Wings Worker with The Family Centre, hosts the group…

Upcoming Fairs and Markets
News Posted On Nov 25, 2019

Upcoming Fairs and Markets

Is it time to get your creativity flowing? These upcoming art fairs and markets could help spark your inspiration and get you started on your holiday shopping! Enjoy hand-made items, local goods, and live entertainment at these upcoming events. The…

Safe Visitation Update
News Posted On Aug 27, 2019

Safe Visitation Update

The Family Centre continues to offer counselling services, group therapy, parenting, self-improvement, anger management, workplace, and couples workshops. But we no longer offer supervised/safe visitation services. If you require this type of service,…

The Rainbow Pages Gets a Platform Upgrade
News Posted On May 23, 2019

The Rainbow Pages Gets a Platform Upgrade

Online access to our LGBTQ+ resource guide, The Rainbow Pages, is available through our new and improved website. Transitioning into adulthood can be tough, finding resources shouldn’t have to be! The upgraded platform is a safe space where youth…

Trauma-Informed Culture at The Family Centre
News Posted On Apr 01, 2019

Trauma-Informed Culture at The Family Centre

In the fall of 2016, The Family Centre embarked on a journey to becoming a trauma-informed agency. This came after several years of increasing our knowledge in brain development, attachment, the impacts of trauma, and poverty as a systemic issue. We…

The Family Centre acknowledges that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting ground, gathering place, and traveling route for the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.

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